Friday, January 9, 2009

Topic Update!

Hello Everyone,

I guess I'm narrowing down my idea more when it comes to my graduation project. But I still have a couple ideas.

My first idea (And the one I'm considering the most) would be to choose a disease that affects a lot of children. I would then start doing research on it to fully understand how it works, how you can catch it, and what the symptoms are, that way I can get a feel for what the patients are going through. After this stage I will either A. Contact the local children's hospital and find out what I can do to help out. B. Buy or try to collect something like maybe teddy bears or some other comfort object to give to the children. Or maybe even a mix of the two. My next step I think would be to create a pamphlet or brochure that I could pass out to help inform people on the disease, and possibly even try to collect donations to find a cure for the cause or to help kids receive treatment. I could also maybe get involved in Ronald McDonald's House? I don't know exactly yet.

My second idea would be to do something with global warming. I think I would first research the topic to fully understand what it is and how it's cause, and then maybe learn the steps I can take to make my part. I think I could again create a pamphlet with maybe tips for other people on easy ways to do their part as well. As far as my action I think I could either organize a group to do like a community clean up in my own neighborhood, or join up with an already pre existing organization to help them. But this idea is still being worked out as well.

Finally, I have four more general areas, but no plans yet. I really like learning about the brain and how it works, but I don't know what I would want to narrow in on, or even what an action could be. And, since I'm going to Costa Rica in a few months this would be a great opportunity to do something new, interesting, and unique. But I don't know, I was thinking maybe some sort of way to help Americans understand other cultures more, or at least with children. My final two ideas would be to do some sort of education because I'm really looking into education as an occupation, but I don't know a topic, and I like the idea of just doing a project on a hobby I already have, but I don't know a topic again.

I'm feeling better about all this since I'm narrowing down more, but I still don't know exactly what I want to choose. I think I'll begin researching each of these topics and then go from there. If anyone has any suggestions or ideas feel free to tell me.
Thank you!

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