Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Lights, Camera, Action

Hello Everyone,

I need to get my ideas down, so I'm going to blog before doing work today.
I talked to Ms. Wilds last Friday and she gave me some more suggestions on Costa Rica. She suggested I could make some sort of film on our experience there, and maybe a website as well. Mrs. Savido said Mr.Oliver suggested some how improving the curriculum or finding what we could look more in depth in.
The only problem is that I know nothing about filming or editing, or anything of that sort. However, she said that I could always learn. It sounds really interesting, but I think it's going to be harder to get started because I'm already feeling behind since class has started.
At Westinghouse this weekend I stayed late to talk to the speaker, and he was talking about how you should always just try new things, and be creative, think of new ideas, and it really made me want to pursue the film project.
So, I was thinking about two different views. I could either A, do a commercial like film which would be useful to promote the trip to students, sponsors, and anyone interested in our school in general. Or I could have a more personal approach as like my own experience, or log, and express my own feelings leading up and into the trip. I think this would be a more in depth look, and would probably have more meaning to me, but at the same time has a higher chance of not working out the way I planned.

If I do decide to do the film, I need to think of my essential question.

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