Monday, January 12, 2009

Animal Shelter?

Hello Everyone,

Last Friday shortly after I posted that blog, I started to research how I could help out at the Children's Hospital, and came across a bump in the road. Since I would be working with children I would need to have certain shots, I would need a criminal background check, and clearances. Although this may not be a complete halt, it's enough to make me look elsewhere.

Danielle gave me the idea of working with an animal shelter, and even had one in mind that didn't involve me having to see animals suffer, but just raise money to help them, and even volunteer. Today she brought in more information on the sight and her mom offered to help me out if need be. The only down side is that this particular shelter is roughly an hour away from my home. I really want to do this topic now and hope I can make a difference.

I think I'm going to research the need for shelters in America, and like abandoned animals, and create pamphlets to pass out. I was also going to have like a coin drive in school and at local stores hopefully to donate the money to the shelter. Then I was also planning on volunteering on some Saturdays is possible. I don't know, I still have to think of some more ideas and ask other people, and make contact with the organization. I hope this one works out because I just want to start my project.

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