Wednesday, January 7, 2009

First Assignment

Hello Everyone.

I haven't really heard that much about the Graduation Projects at City High, except that their a big chunk of your grade, and you can't graduate without one. I also haven't talked to any 12th graders about graduation projects. I'm pretty worried about the whole situation though.

I am interested in Animals, and Children. However I don't want to really get involved in like an Animal shelter if I have to see injured animals everyday. I also don't really know what to do with children, but I really like working with younger kids, and I am thinking about becoming a teacher as a career. Since I'm going to Costa Rica later on, I think that's a great opportunity to get involved, but once again I'm uncertain on where to specify.

I am really concerned about getting involved, not really once I start, but I guess getting started. I am also worried I'm going to become really stressed and try to make everything perfect, when I know it can't be done. Another thing I'm worried about is choosing a topic, or half way through getting tired of my topic and unmotivated. I guess I don't like any project that is worth such a part of my grade because I always getting really stressed out.

I think I just need to narrow everything down for my first step and choose a topic, that way I can just work on piece by piece, and soon I'll have a graduation project that I can be proud of.

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