Friday, January 30, 2009

Did You Knows

Hello Everyone,

After some research, I found some interesting facts about Costa Rica. I'm hoping to add more Did You Knows later about the documentary portion later, but for now here you go:

  • Costa Rica does not have any form of military, and is the only country without one (Viva Costa Rica)

  • 220 Reptilian Species(Viva Costa Rica)

  • Capital of Costa Rica is San Jose (Viva Costa Rica)

  • 9000 Plant Species (Viva Costa Rica)

  • 34,000 Insect Species (Viva Costa Rica)
  • Costa Rica's Geography is very unique, it contains Mountains, Rain Forests, Coast Lines, and Volcanoes (Latin American Studies, City High. January 30, 2009. Arenth, Christina)
  • Local Costa Ricans are known as ‘Ticos’ (Latin American Studies, City High. January 30, 2009. Arenth, Christina)
  • Costa Ricans are very proud, and get offended easily, you can be arrested if you offend someone for 10-50 days (Latin American Studies, City High. January 30, 2009. Arenth, Christina)
  • Costa Rica is the most Visited Nation in Latin America (Wiki)
  • Banana export earnings were at $531million in 1993 (InfoCostaRica)
  • Costa Rica's Emergency Number is 911 (General Costa Rica Information)

Friday, January 23, 2009

Foundation Questions

Hello Everyone,

I'm going to stop working on my Key Terms to start working on my Foundation Questions.

So, as of now this is my essential question:
How can I promote the City High Costa Rica trip to sponsors and students?

Foundation Questions:

  1. What is City High's purpose for the Costa Rica Trip?
  2. What is the process leading up to the trip?
  3. What activities will we participate in while in Costa Rica?
  4. Why do students want to become a part of this experience?
  5. What is the Costa Rican life like?
  6. What role does Ecotourism play in Costa Rica?
  7. What significance do tribal masks have in Costa Rica?
  8. What is history about La Carpio?
  9. What is Los Campesinos, what is it's history?
  10. Who are Epsy Campbell, and Manuel Obregón?
  11. What makes a good documentary or short film?
  12. What are successful documentaries? And what made them successful?
  13. What kind of film do I want to make? What's going to be my angle?
  14. What software program should I use to edit my film? Or what is the best software program to edit my film?
  15. What materials are available to me? What materials do I still need?
  16. How do I make a documentary?

I'm starting to think up of more ideas, so I need to maybe make a story board or something.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Hello Everyone,

I think I've decided on creating the film. I just now need to work out the specifics. I don't know if the last time I posted I mentioned I sent out e-mails to everyone involved, and they all seem supportive of this decision. I need to find out what I have to work with, and what the objective of my film is going to be. Although I continue to throw around the word documentary, I'm thinking it's going to be more of a commercial type film. I don't know though, I need to talk to everyone I guess and get it all worked out, because everyday is another day of work wasted.

I got my camera permission slip signed today, so I just need to turn it in. I talked to Mr.Duty and he said that there are meetings Wednesday and Tuesdays after school. I'm going to try to make it to a few Tuesdays, but I have robotics, so I'll have to talk to Mr.Check. Wednesdays I have Duquesne, so that's not going to work out either.

This weekend I'm going to buy a notebook to keep track of everything I'm doing, especially in my Latin American Class, that way I can remember what I did each day. And I'll take it with me on the trip, and won't have to worry about technology, so I can just write everyday, for another approach on how to document it. I also need to work out my plan on what I'm shooting, like write down a little outline or summary or something on the path I plan to take.

I'm feeling like I'm already behind, but at least I finally made the decision to do this topic. Oh, I finished my ten websites essential question, and topic today. But I really can't even remember what my essential questions was, I'm sure I'll change it 10 more times again.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Lights, Camera, Action

Hello Everyone,

I need to get my ideas down, so I'm going to blog before doing work today.
I talked to Ms. Wilds last Friday and she gave me some more suggestions on Costa Rica. She suggested I could make some sort of film on our experience there, and maybe a website as well. Mrs. Savido said Mr.Oliver suggested some how improving the curriculum or finding what we could look more in depth in.
The only problem is that I know nothing about filming or editing, or anything of that sort. However, she said that I could always learn. It sounds really interesting, but I think it's going to be harder to get started because I'm already feeling behind since class has started.
At Westinghouse this weekend I stayed late to talk to the speaker, and he was talking about how you should always just try new things, and be creative, think of new ideas, and it really made me want to pursue the film project.
So, I was thinking about two different views. I could either A, do a commercial like film which would be useful to promote the trip to students, sponsors, and anyone interested in our school in general. Or I could have a more personal approach as like my own experience, or log, and express my own feelings leading up and into the trip. I think this would be a more in depth look, and would probably have more meaning to me, but at the same time has a higher chance of not working out the way I planned.

If I do decide to do the film, I need to think of my essential question.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Hello Everyone,

Today I completed my First 10 websites, which wasn't really that difficult.

I talked to my mom again last night about driving me to the animal shelter I had in mind and she said no once again. However, I did find another shelter that is no kill and that I wouldn't mind getting involved in. I found out that the Western Humane Society kills roughly 7,000 animals a year though, which is half the number of animals that come in. I could not volunteer at a place where I knew that was happening, so I really want a no kill shelter.

So anyways, this shelter is only 34 minutes away, which isn't too bad, and I could probably take a bus. But when I was doing my research I'm starting to become overwhelmed. I really don't know if this is what I want to do anymore, but I feel like I have to turn in this assignment Friday, and don't have enough time to complete a new one since I don't have Internet at home.

I just feel like my goals are unreachable, and I really don't know what I want to do.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Topic Deadlines

Hello Everyone,

Well I ran into a problem yesterday. The animal shelter is an hour away, and my mom said that she wouldn't drive me now and again to volunteer. This isn't a dead end though. I'm hoping I could still raise money for this shelter in particular, but maybe volunteer at a different one. I don't know though, I was hoping to focus my involvement on one shelter.

I'm stressing out about what topic to choose now, and becoming frustrated that nothing seems to be working out. Times almost up, so I'll just write tomorrow.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Animal Shelter?

Hello Everyone,

Last Friday shortly after I posted that blog, I started to research how I could help out at the Children's Hospital, and came across a bump in the road. Since I would be working with children I would need to have certain shots, I would need a criminal background check, and clearances. Although this may not be a complete halt, it's enough to make me look elsewhere.

Danielle gave me the idea of working with an animal shelter, and even had one in mind that didn't involve me having to see animals suffer, but just raise money to help them, and even volunteer. Today she brought in more information on the sight and her mom offered to help me out if need be. The only down side is that this particular shelter is roughly an hour away from my home. I really want to do this topic now and hope I can make a difference.

I think I'm going to research the need for shelters in America, and like abandoned animals, and create pamphlets to pass out. I was also going to have like a coin drive in school and at local stores hopefully to donate the money to the shelter. Then I was also planning on volunteering on some Saturdays is possible. I don't know, I still have to think of some more ideas and ask other people, and make contact with the organization. I hope this one works out because I just want to start my project.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Topic Update!

Hello Everyone,

I guess I'm narrowing down my idea more when it comes to my graduation project. But I still have a couple ideas.

My first idea (And the one I'm considering the most) would be to choose a disease that affects a lot of children. I would then start doing research on it to fully understand how it works, how you can catch it, and what the symptoms are, that way I can get a feel for what the patients are going through. After this stage I will either A. Contact the local children's hospital and find out what I can do to help out. B. Buy or try to collect something like maybe teddy bears or some other comfort object to give to the children. Or maybe even a mix of the two. My next step I think would be to create a pamphlet or brochure that I could pass out to help inform people on the disease, and possibly even try to collect donations to find a cure for the cause or to help kids receive treatment. I could also maybe get involved in Ronald McDonald's House? I don't know exactly yet.

My second idea would be to do something with global warming. I think I would first research the topic to fully understand what it is and how it's cause, and then maybe learn the steps I can take to make my part. I think I could again create a pamphlet with maybe tips for other people on easy ways to do their part as well. As far as my action I think I could either organize a group to do like a community clean up in my own neighborhood, or join up with an already pre existing organization to help them. But this idea is still being worked out as well.

Finally, I have four more general areas, but no plans yet. I really like learning about the brain and how it works, but I don't know what I would want to narrow in on, or even what an action could be. And, since I'm going to Costa Rica in a few months this would be a great opportunity to do something new, interesting, and unique. But I don't know, I was thinking maybe some sort of way to help Americans understand other cultures more, or at least with children. My final two ideas would be to do some sort of education because I'm really looking into education as an occupation, but I don't know a topic, and I like the idea of just doing a project on a hobby I already have, but I don't know a topic again.

I'm feeling better about all this since I'm narrowing down more, but I still don't know exactly what I want to choose. I think I'll begin researching each of these topics and then go from there. If anyone has any suggestions or ideas feel free to tell me.
Thank you!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

First Assignment

Hello Everyone.

I haven't really heard that much about the Graduation Projects at City High, except that their a big chunk of your grade, and you can't graduate without one. I also haven't talked to any 12th graders about graduation projects. I'm pretty worried about the whole situation though.

I am interested in Animals, and Children. However I don't want to really get involved in like an Animal shelter if I have to see injured animals everyday. I also don't really know what to do with children, but I really like working with younger kids, and I am thinking about becoming a teacher as a career. Since I'm going to Costa Rica later on, I think that's a great opportunity to get involved, but once again I'm uncertain on where to specify.

I am really concerned about getting involved, not really once I start, but I guess getting started. I am also worried I'm going to become really stressed and try to make everything perfect, when I know it can't be done. Another thing I'm worried about is choosing a topic, or half way through getting tired of my topic and unmotivated. I guess I don't like any project that is worth such a part of my grade because I always getting really stressed out.

I think I just need to narrow everything down for my first step and choose a topic, that way I can just work on piece by piece, and soon I'll have a graduation project that I can be proud of.