Thursday, September 3, 2009

A Much Needed Update

Hello Again,

It has been a very long time since I have posted on this blog, and there's a lot to catch up on. I guess to begin with, I went to Costa Rica! It was a life changing experience, and I wish I could go on this years trip as well. I filmed a lot while I was there, like 25 hours of footage which is a lot apparently, but I felt as if having too much is better then not having enough. When we came back to school I was eager to give Mr. Duty the tapes, however not eager to find out I was not scheduled in his class.

Thankfully I do have digital media one this trimester, but this does worry me since I also have graduation project at the same time, but I hope it all works out. I am pretty much caught up on all of the work that needed to be done last trimester so next week I will be starting my literature review. I'm a little confused about what the review is, but I'm hoping once I get started it will just flow.

Meanwhile I only have really the layout for the website, but I like it. I don't want to start the writing on the website until I have my interview with Mr. Oliver, so I'm putting that on hold. This weekend I'm planning on writing out what I want my documentary to look like. Ms. Arenth suggested doing that and trying to think of like what footage at what parts and I think that this is a really good idea.

I am also going to watch at least two documentaries and take notes on what I like and don't like to hopefully clear the foggy image of what I want my documentary to look like. I am also going to print out pictures from Costa Rica and hopefully get a photo album because I'm planning on being able to show the panel the photographs.

I already mentioned my interview with Mr. Oliver, but to elaborate on this, it is next Tuesday and I am hoping to gain information about how the trip began and the process leading up to it.

My plan for the Digital Media Club is on Tuesdays I will go over the work I have done thus far with Mr. Duty and hopefully get his input, and on Wednesdays I will plan for what work needs to get done before the next Tuesday.

I'm a little stressed out and feel like I have too much with such little time. But I'm not letting it get to me. Mr. Duty has really been a big help, and I'm glad he is going to help me learn Adobe Premiere Pro. I just hope if I keep working at it everything will be okay.

Wish Me Luck!

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