Wednesday, September 16, 2009

It keeps piling up

I feel like everyday I am taking 10 steps forward but 9 steps back. This weekend I thought I had finished watching all of the Costa Rica tapes, but yesterday I found three more. So I watched two last night, and I am planning on finishing (Actually finishing) them tonight.

I stayed for Digital Media yesterday and I tried to start an actual laid out outline of my commercial, but then I realized I have no idea where to start. I don't know if I want it to be music mostly or if you should hear the sound on the footage. I think I'm going to have an overall music playing and have it be lowered for certain pieces to hear them speak. And instead of having a narrator, have like text on the screen, but I don't know. Then I need to decide if I want like heart warming music, or if I want like traditional Costa Rican music, or I just don't know.

This is way more difficult then I ever imagined. The bright side is that I think this is the most difficult part because once I have a plan, all I have to do is complete it.

I finished both of my requirement Re-Writes yesterday, I'm not sure if their what was asked but oh well. I finished and organized my outline completely, and I am hoping to have a rough draft of the entire Literature Review Completed by Monday. I also am planning on having my home page complete, and the outline of my Commercial Complete. Even if I'm not sure what I'm doing I need to start capturing the footage. I would love to start working on the documentary during the G20 summit to give me a lot of time.

And I have to apply for colleges. I don't even know what I'm doing but I guess I'm going to do it.


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