Friday, September 4, 2009

9 Hours Later

Hello Again,

It's the end of the first week and I've hit a couple bumps in the road. I'm still a little worried about my documentary but I know I don't have the time to worry and I just need to get it done. I am feeling better about the Literature Review, I think I can get that done, however I am unsure of the due date.

This week I scheduled three interviews and am going to complete two of them this afternoon. I also researched various documentaries and I am going to watch more this weekend and take notes on what I like and dislike about each one to hopefully give me a better idea of what kind of documentary I want to have. I am also going to outline my documentary so next week when digital media club starts I can hopefully jump right in, or at least jump right in by selecting the footage. I am going to finish my notes once I get the audio from my last interview.

There's a lot to do and a little amount of time, but I'll just take it day by day. Lets just hope this documentary will turn out well!

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