Friday, September 18, 2009

Chipping Away

Yesterday I worked the full two hours on my Literature Review and got another three paragraphs completed. I have pages upon pages of notes but I still find myself looking up research as I write my literature. Nothing major, but little things that will make the review flow better.

I have my outline and my requirements re-writes done for today, I'm still not sure if my re-write is what it's supposed to be but I guess it's too late to change it now. This weekend I plan on writing the entire footage script of my documentary, and hopefully, hopefully, have a complete first draft of my literature review for Monday. Also, I would like to complete the home page of my website for my action plan. I have yet to start the website required for class, but I still feel as if I have a lot of time to work on it.

I just got done capturing some footage, which is good because I felt like it would never happen. Hopefully next week I'll be working on my film!


  1. 9/21/2009
    -writing lit review (5 pages, double spaced)
    -finished outline
    -finished rubric rewrite
    -1st draft of lit review
    -planning documentary

  2. Allison, I enjoy reading your blog entries - you are so frustrated, but doing such a wonderful job! You will so proud of yourself in the end - keep going, it will all come together for you.
    - Mrs. Savido
