Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Capturing the Footage

Lately I have been capturing the 15 hours or so of footage I shot while in Costa Rica. I am hoping to be able to receive all of the footage by the time I leave school today so I can begin working on my documentary over the weekend. I'm still a little overwhelmed with my documentary, but I'm just going to work on it and see where it goes. I just have to start working.

On a brighter not, my Literature Review is over halfway done. However, I am worried that as I continue to write I am getting less and less interested, so my paper is also getting less and less interested, but I'm just going to try to get it done, and then edit it later and make it more interesting because I have three edits to go.

So this weekends goals are to finish literature review (I know it's been my goal for a while), start on documentary (finally!) and finish homepage of website (I know, also a repetitive goal).

At least it's a five day weekend!

1 comment:

  1. 10/2/2009
    -reorganizing outline
    -finished lit review draft
    -started script (5 pages)
    -current script
    -finish script
    -present script to teachers next week
    -who is the video for?
