Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Just Two Days...

I only had Two days of classwork to work on my graduation project this week, but I still feel as if I have accomplished a lot. Yesterday I conducted an interview with Mr. Oliver after school which will finish off my notes. He also suggested that once I have a more concrete idea of what I want my documentary/commercial to be I should maybe present it to those teachers who are involved in the Costa Rica program.
I think this is a good idea and will add a more professional and business like aspect to my project. After my interview with Mr. Duty Friday I feel better about completing my documentary, or at least a commercial.
Also yesterday was the first day in Digital Media that we worked with film, and I think I picked up on it pretty well, but better yet I enjoyed working with Adobe Premiere Pro. I think I should just make a list of what I have completed, and what still needs to be completed or at least I would like to have completed by next Monday.

Completed in Past Week
  1. Interviewed Mr. Oliver, Mr. Duty, Ms. Arenth
  2. Finished Notes Template and Outline
  3. Began Watching Footage from Costa Rica and Outlining what was on each tape
  4. A More Focused Idea for Commercial
  5. Organized Outline in Categories for the Paragraphs when I write my Literature Review
  6. Began Writing Literature Review
  7. Got Flashdrive to take home Footage
  8. Watched Documentary for Better Concept on What Mine Will Look Like

Goals for Weekend

  1. Finish Watching all Footage from Costa Rica and Outline each Tape
  2. Work more on Literature Review
  3. At least get Home Page on Website Completely Done including Writing
  4. Get Album for Presentation

On a different note I am retesting for my ACT's this Saturday and I have yet to study. Wish me Luck!

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