Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Capturing the Footage

Lately I have been capturing the 15 hours or so of footage I shot while in Costa Rica. I am hoping to be able to receive all of the footage by the time I leave school today so I can begin working on my documentary over the weekend. I'm still a little overwhelmed with my documentary, but I'm just going to work on it and see where it goes. I just have to start working.

On a brighter not, my Literature Review is over halfway done. However, I am worried that as I continue to write I am getting less and less interested, so my paper is also getting less and less interested, but I'm just going to try to get it done, and then edit it later and make it more interesting because I have three edits to go.

So this weekends goals are to finish literature review (I know it's been my goal for a while), start on documentary (finally!) and finish homepage of website (I know, also a repetitive goal).

At least it's a five day weekend!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Chipping Away

Yesterday I worked the full two hours on my Literature Review and got another three paragraphs completed. I have pages upon pages of notes but I still find myself looking up research as I write my literature. Nothing major, but little things that will make the review flow better.

I have my outline and my requirements re-writes done for today, I'm still not sure if my re-write is what it's supposed to be but I guess it's too late to change it now. This weekend I plan on writing the entire footage script of my documentary, and hopefully, hopefully, have a complete first draft of my literature review for Monday. Also, I would like to complete the home page of my website for my action plan. I have yet to start the website required for class, but I still feel as if I have a lot of time to work on it.

I just got done capturing some footage, which is good because I felt like it would never happen. Hopefully next week I'll be working on my film!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

It keeps piling up

I feel like everyday I am taking 10 steps forward but 9 steps back. This weekend I thought I had finished watching all of the Costa Rica tapes, but yesterday I found three more. So I watched two last night, and I am planning on finishing (Actually finishing) them tonight.

I stayed for Digital Media yesterday and I tried to start an actual laid out outline of my commercial, but then I realized I have no idea where to start. I don't know if I want it to be music mostly or if you should hear the sound on the footage. I think I'm going to have an overall music playing and have it be lowered for certain pieces to hear them speak. And instead of having a narrator, have like text on the screen, but I don't know. Then I need to decide if I want like heart warming music, or if I want like traditional Costa Rican music, or I just don't know.

This is way more difficult then I ever imagined. The bright side is that I think this is the most difficult part because once I have a plan, all I have to do is complete it.

I finished both of my requirement Re-Writes yesterday, I'm not sure if their what was asked but oh well. I finished and organized my outline completely, and I am hoping to have a rough draft of the entire Literature Review Completed by Monday. I also am planning on having my home page complete, and the outline of my Commercial Complete. Even if I'm not sure what I'm doing I need to start capturing the footage. I would love to start working on the documentary during the G20 summit to give me a lot of time.

And I have to apply for colleges. I don't even know what I'm doing but I guess I'm going to do it.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Just Two Days...

I only had Two days of classwork to work on my graduation project this week, but I still feel as if I have accomplished a lot. Yesterday I conducted an interview with Mr. Oliver after school which will finish off my notes. He also suggested that once I have a more concrete idea of what I want my documentary/commercial to be I should maybe present it to those teachers who are involved in the Costa Rica program.
I think this is a good idea and will add a more professional and business like aspect to my project. After my interview with Mr. Duty Friday I feel better about completing my documentary, or at least a commercial.
Also yesterday was the first day in Digital Media that we worked with film, and I think I picked up on it pretty well, but better yet I enjoyed working with Adobe Premiere Pro. I think I should just make a list of what I have completed, and what still needs to be completed or at least I would like to have completed by next Monday.

Completed in Past Week
  1. Interviewed Mr. Oliver, Mr. Duty, Ms. Arenth
  2. Finished Notes Template and Outline
  3. Began Watching Footage from Costa Rica and Outlining what was on each tape
  4. A More Focused Idea for Commercial
  5. Organized Outline in Categories for the Paragraphs when I write my Literature Review
  6. Began Writing Literature Review
  7. Got Flashdrive to take home Footage
  8. Watched Documentary for Better Concept on What Mine Will Look Like

Goals for Weekend

  1. Finish Watching all Footage from Costa Rica and Outline each Tape
  2. Work more on Literature Review
  3. At least get Home Page on Website Completely Done including Writing
  4. Get Album for Presentation

On a different note I am retesting for my ACT's this Saturday and I have yet to study. Wish me Luck!

Friday, September 4, 2009

9 Hours Later

Hello Again,

It's the end of the first week and I've hit a couple bumps in the road. I'm still a little worried about my documentary but I know I don't have the time to worry and I just need to get it done. I am feeling better about the Literature Review, I think I can get that done, however I am unsure of the due date.

This week I scheduled three interviews and am going to complete two of them this afternoon. I also researched various documentaries and I am going to watch more this weekend and take notes on what I like and dislike about each one to hopefully give me a better idea of what kind of documentary I want to have. I am also going to outline my documentary so next week when digital media club starts I can hopefully jump right in, or at least jump right in by selecting the footage. I am going to finish my notes once I get the audio from my last interview.

There's a lot to do and a little amount of time, but I'll just take it day by day. Lets just hope this documentary will turn out well!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

A Much Needed Update

Hello Again,

It has been a very long time since I have posted on this blog, and there's a lot to catch up on. I guess to begin with, I went to Costa Rica! It was a life changing experience, and I wish I could go on this years trip as well. I filmed a lot while I was there, like 25 hours of footage which is a lot apparently, but I felt as if having too much is better then not having enough. When we came back to school I was eager to give Mr. Duty the tapes, however not eager to find out I was not scheduled in his class.

Thankfully I do have digital media one this trimester, but this does worry me since I also have graduation project at the same time, but I hope it all works out. I am pretty much caught up on all of the work that needed to be done last trimester so next week I will be starting my literature review. I'm a little confused about what the review is, but I'm hoping once I get started it will just flow.

Meanwhile I only have really the layout for the website, but I like it. I don't want to start the writing on the website until I have my interview with Mr. Oliver, so I'm putting that on hold. This weekend I'm planning on writing out what I want my documentary to look like. Ms. Arenth suggested doing that and trying to think of like what footage at what parts and I think that this is a really good idea.

I am also going to watch at least two documentaries and take notes on what I like and don't like to hopefully clear the foggy image of what I want my documentary to look like. I am also going to print out pictures from Costa Rica and hopefully get a photo album because I'm planning on being able to show the panel the photographs.

I already mentioned my interview with Mr. Oliver, but to elaborate on this, it is next Tuesday and I am hoping to gain information about how the trip began and the process leading up to it.

My plan for the Digital Media Club is on Tuesdays I will go over the work I have done thus far with Mr. Duty and hopefully get his input, and on Wednesdays I will plan for what work needs to get done before the next Tuesday.

I'm a little stressed out and feel like I have too much with such little time. But I'm not letting it get to me. Mr. Duty has really been a big help, and I'm glad he is going to help me learn Adobe Premiere Pro. I just hope if I keep working at it everything will be okay.

Wish Me Luck!