Monday, November 9, 2009

Two Weeks Away

The countdown has begun and I'm starting to feel the pressure. Surprisingly my documentary isn't my biggest cause of stress. Actually I am only showing like the first 7 minutes of it, but I almost have the whole thing completed, except for final edits and music, which are minute compared to the whole project. And I need to add in the Epsy Campbell interview which I haven't written the script or uploaded the film for, so I just may skip that. The film is already like twenty minutes, and there's not that much to say about the interview anyways, and it will be boring just watching her talk. I don't know, it's important to the program though.

Anyways....I have my website pretty much complete. If I have time I am going to add another page before the presentation, and if not definitely after the presentation. Hopefully. And my literature has yet to receive a teacher edit, which I am confused if I need to ask for or what, but currently all of my attention is going to my presentation.

I currently have like all of my slides done, and hopefully will receive all of the necessary pictures, and then I just need to write out my note cards. I am extremely worried about not being able to memorize everything I want to say.

I am looking forward to the practice presentation because I kind of feel like I'm swimming in the ocean and I don't really know if I am on track or not. Hopefully I'll be able to make edits and have all set to go.

Wish me Luck!

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