Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Hello Everyone,

It's been a while since I have blogged so now I figure I need to update to where I have been.

I finally got to talk to both Mr. Oliver and Ms. Wilds about the project and got a better grasp on what I'm doing. Mr. Oliver suggested that I had other students do the filming, and I be more of a director, so I'm going to soon announce my project to the rest of the class. I still want to do at least a little filming anyways though. Besides the film, I'm going to create a website that informs students, parents, and sponsors about the trip. Then, hopefully if I have enough time, I'm going to try to improve the curriculum for future years.

Now that I finally feel better about that, I keep getting overwhelmed with work in this class that i feel isn't useful to my topic. I would rather just jump in and see what I need than do all of this background information on things that can't really be researched. I'm just becoming frustrated because everything requires the internet too, and I don't have that at home, and I run out of time in class. Hopefully everything works out.

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