Monday, October 19, 2009

A quick update

It has been a while since my last update, but I have been so busy working that I just haven't had the time to keep you informed.

So currently I am editing the film of my documentary, I know it's pretty exciting. I created the script, edited it like five times, and presented it. I then recorded the voice over, and now I am putting all of the pieces together into hopefully a successful project.

I have also completed a part of my action plan, the website. I now just need to add a few more pages specifically about my graduation project, and I'll be done with both websites.

I have also completed my Literature Review, besides the teacher edit, which I am unsure if we are doing, but as of right now, I am considering it done until further informed.
I'm still a little stressed because we only have three weeks, but at least I'm checking things off my list.

What I want finished by the end of this week:

  • Graduation Project Website (A Page a Day?)
  • Half of the Documentary Pieced together

Then next week I am going to finish the other half of my documentary, and work on my presentation. The final week will be editing my documentary for the final time, for a finished project, completing my presentation, and tying any other loose ends.

It's the last push, wish me luck!