Monday, March 16, 2009

Interviews, Proposals, and Notes

Hello Everyone,
I posted earlier today so this one is going to be short and sweet.
I feel better than I did earlier today, but I am worried that two cameras will not be enough. I guess because I really do not know what I am doing, I just want to be extra prepared so I wont miss anything. I think I want to sit down with Mr. Oliver and Ms. Wilds soon to talk again, just to make sure I'm on the right track.
My goal this week is to present my topic to the class, as well as finish my pre-write.
I don't really know what's going on with the Amy interview, I wrote DeAnna last week, but she hasn't written back, so I'm going to ask her later if I don't forget. I'm also worried about getting everything I need to know from Matt. I should probably e-mail telling him everything, but I guess I'm just nervous, and don't really know what to say.
I also need to create a journal recording each step, but with my other school work this just seems like too much. I definitely need one by the trip, but I think I'll be okay as far as the process leading up to it because it is all on Edline.
I guess I'm just getting a little stressed, but hopefully I'll have it all figured out soon.

There's so much to do!

Hello Everyone,

It's been forever since I've written, and I'm really starting to feel the pressure. I've conducted the interview with Mr. Duty last Tuesday, and found out about the Digital Media class. Now I need to finish all of my note taking templates and finish my pre-writing. I don't know how I am going to get this all done in like the two weeks that I have before the trip. And I still have to announce this to my Latin American Class.
Well I wish I had more time to make an update, but it's back to work.